IMDb Cine & TV is a free, mobile application that allows you to research movies and television shows. Its database contains more than eight million entries for filmmakers and 5 million for movies. It has several categories for movies and TV shows and a search bar so that you can easily find what you're looking for. There are even a number of different ways to rate films and add your own comments.
The app is available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone Marketplace. Users can browse through categories or browse through celebrities. This app is free and is designed for a variety of devices. It has a variety of movie and TV show categories. The list of best movies in history can be browsed by name, or based on popularity. Those looking for a celebrity-focused list will find their dream movie in a snap.
The database is freely accessible to everyone. It also lets you create listados. Some of these lists are automatically created, while others are created by you. You can browse through the most popular categories by genre, rating, and actor's surname. You can even find movie times near you, so you can watch your favorite movies whenever you want. IMDb is a great source for entertainment information. It's free, so you have nothing to lose.